Monday, 19 March 2012

It had to happen! Driving up the interstate to our start point in Pine Valley and the road is closed due to snow and ice - EPIC Fail. As there is no alternate route we can only just sit here and wait it out! The only problem is time, this could potentially put us back a day and what's worse if we had stayed at Pine Valley we would have been past the worst and had a free run into El Centro and onto Brawley. Finally the interstate was opened and we got on our way, conditions were very icey and caution was taken on the desent. Amazingly within an hour there was no sign of snow as I dropped from 2000ft to sea level and one of the best desents I have ever done average speed approx 40mph.
Within 2 hours I had gone from freezing to mid 70s. Caro was pulled up by the US Border Patrol for parking by the side of the road where accomplices would pick up Mexicans crossing the border and trying to get into the States! The good thing was the wind was behind me and the roads were flat as a pancake through El Centro on the way to Brawley.
I had an Airshow from the USAF F-15 as they buzzed above me in formation (top gun school) and practised their manouvres in the clear blue sky. The terrain made me think this was perfect for the military and perfect for troops training for Afghanistan.
On the whole a good day, Caro is getting the hang of driving the car and used to the massive trucks on the road as well as the main mean of transport being the pick up truck - law into themselves. Tough day tomorrow through the desert proper and on our way to Phoenix for Wednesday.
Lessons learnt today:
don't park by the side of the road near the border
Wear gel gloves to combat the vibration from bad road surfaces
Wear sun cream at all times

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